Pier 39
:)... Have had great morning today. Now I am going to eat lunch and drink a beer!
Had a nice time yesterday, went to three different parts of the world. First a bar i Chinatown, very little place, do not know the the name because I could not read the sign, or if the place even had a sign?... However, according to the guys that bar had a interesting basement, unfortunately the basement was not open. The next place we visited was the Mona Lisa restaurant at North Beach, absolutely the best italian food I ever have eaten, and amazing artwork everywhere. Then we went to Vesuvios, also a small bar with a lot of culture and history from the beat generation on the walls, a really nice place to round off the evening at.
Soon my two day Advanced Flash Conference starts, so.... up, up and away!
Some pictures from yesterday (sorry for the bad quality, did not have a steady hand nor a clean lens on my phone):
The guys that I have learn many great things from
A semi drunk girl selling candy and stuff...
The street outside Vesuvios
15/1 Rundown
Woke up at 4:00 am, fresh as never before. The possibility to try get some more sleep was non-existing so I decided to check in justin.tv/macworld, and noticed that the line to the keynote was short. So, I took a shower and went to stand in line. I met a lot of nice people in the line though they all were geeks :). The keynote was awesome even if no "must have" products where announced.
After the keynote i went to part 2 of the photoshop conference (A really good conference, if you ever have the possibility to attend a course by Michael Ninness, DO IT!!!)
Arrived back at the hotel about 5:00pm (free beer and wine between 5:00-6:00 pm :)). Met three photographers from NY in the lounge, really nice guys, (looked like they lived here in SF in the 50-60:s, real Beat Generation guys). Soon I am going to go to Vesuvios with these guys and remember the old good days, if that sucks I am going to attend the Macworld Expo Blast, some kind of Macworld expo party I have a free ticket to. But it will be nice to be away from the Mac-geeks for a while (did not think that all Macworld attendees where geeks but they really are).
In the super duper platinum pass line waiting for the keynote.
Har varit en lite jobbig dag idag, mycket på grund av mig själv och min läsha sinnesstämning. Slog mig i morse när jag vakna (med en bultande huvudvärk som troligtvis registrerades på ett antal seismografer runt världen) ca. 10:00 att ja ska till San Francisco imorgon... allt jag då hade planerat var att ja skall ha med mig pass, biljetter, dator & kamera.